Pets United (Netflix)

In futuristic Robo City, a street-smart stray dog named Roger teams up with Belle, a pampered pet cat, when the sinister mayor and his robot army seize control and order its terrified citizens to leave. With the humans gone, Roger and Belle must step up to lead a pack of abandoned pets (and a friendly robot) on a high-stakes, action-packed adventure to save their city.

Cast: Patrick Roche, Natalie Dormer, Eddie Marsan, Felix Auer, Jeff Burrell, Harvey Friedman, Marty Sander, Ian Odle, Bryan Larkin
Director: Reinhard Klooss
Studio: Netflix
Producer(s): Reinhard Klooss, Hua Shen, Yan Xun
Writer(s): Reinhard Klooss
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