Following the events of Season One, Sarah (Tatiana Maslany) is desperately trying to find her missing daughter Kira (Skyler Wexler). With the help of her foster brother, Felix (Jordan Gavaris), she comes to the conclusion that the little girl is being held by Dr. Aldous Leekie (Matt Frewer) at the Dyad Institute.
Meanwhile, uptight mom Rachel (Tatiana Maslany) struggles with her guilt for standing by while her neighbor was strangled to death by appearing in a local musical. She winds up in rehab and discovers her husband, Donnie (Kristian Bruun) is not who she thought he was.
Cosima (Tatiana Maslany) discovers she has a mysterious illness and begins coughing up blood. She needs stem cells from someone related if she's to survive.
Helena (Tatiana Maslany) is captured by religious fanatics who impregnate her in an effort to see if clones other than Sarah can have babies.
Cast: | Tatiana Maslany, Jordan Gavaris, Dylan Bruce, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Evelyne Brochu, Kristian Bruun, Skyler Wexler, Matt Frewer, Julian Richings, Michiel Huisman |
Studio: | BBC Home Entertainment |