Polsky (David Hayman), a lonely and grumpy Holocaust survivor lives in the remote Columbian countryside, spending his days playing chess and tending to his beloved rose bushes. However, when a mysterious old German man (Udo Kier) moves in next door he begins to suspect his new neighbor is Adolf Hitler. Since nobody believes him, he embarks on a detective mission to find the evidence. But, in order to prove his suspicions, Polsky will need to be closer to his neighbor than he would like - so close that the two could almost become friends.
Cast: | David Hayman, Udo Kier |
Director: | Len Pruduovsky |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Klaudia Smieja, Stanislaw Dziedzic, Haim Mecklberg, Estee Yacov-Mecklberg |
Writer(s): | Dmitry Malinsky, Leon Prudovsky |