Ivan Cohen (Sam Dillon) is a young boy living in Palo Alto, California. Unsatisfied by his slacker group of friends, his love for a girl who doesn't know he exists, and a dysfunctional family life, he is struggling to find his place in the world.
This film questions about the memories we choose to keep, the ones we try desperately to forget, and the ones we use as fuel to create our future.
Thomas Mann, Sam Dillon, James Franco, LaKeith Stanfield, Cole Alexander, Shauna Bloom, Ericka Clevenger, Lexi DiBenedetto, Bella Cohen, Olie Cohen, Luna Blaise, Rachel Brett, Jasmine Ascencio |
Nina Ljeti |
Producer(s): |
Paul Bernon, Sam Slater, Sev Ohanian, Iris Torres |
Writer(s): |
Nina Ljeti, Vladimir de Fontenay |