This acclaimed Czech epic, set during the transition from paganism to Christianity during the 13th century, focuses on the Kozlik family, a clan of brutal and superstitious pillagers who ravage the bleak medieval countryside on horseback. One-armed Adam (Ivan Palúch) and his brother Mikolás (Frantisek Velecký) violently abduct the virginal Marketa Lazarová (Magda Vasaryova), the daughter of a Kozlik rival, and hold her hostage, leading to a monumental battle and an unlikely romance.
Cast: | Magda Vasaryova, Frantisek Velecký, Michal Kozuch, Pavla Polaskova, Josef Kemr, Ivan Palúch, Harry Studt, Vlastimil Harapes, Karla Chadimova |
Director: | Frantisek Vlacil |