Brothers Jimmy (Channing Tatum) and Clyde (Adam Driver) are struggling to make ends meet. Jimmy has just been fired from his job as a coal miner, while Clyde is a bartender with only one arm. Jimmy decides, along with Clyde and their hairdresser sister Mellie (Riley Keough), to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway — because Jimmy knows how they move their money — through an underground passage.
However, they realize they can't pull this off on their own, so they recruit volatile demolition expert Joe Bang (Daniel Craig), who they first have to break out of prison. A scheduling mixup forces them to execute the elaborate heist during the most popular NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 race of the year in Charlotte. Things get even more complicated when an FBI agent (Hilary Swank) begins investigating the case.
Cast: | Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Katherine Waterston, Dwight Yoakam, Sebastian Stan, Brian Gleeson, Jack Quaid, Hilary Swank, Daniel Craig |
Director: | Steven Soderbergh |
Studio: | Bleecker Street Media |
Producer(s): | Mark Johnson, Gregory Jacobs, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin |
Writer(s): | Rebecca Blunt |
Official Site: | |