Batman (voiced by Jason O'Mara) brings together a group of occult supernatural heroes — John Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, Etrigan the Demon a.k.a. Jason Blood, Swamp Thing, and Black Orchid — to help save the world from dangerous supervillains, forming the taskforce known as Justice League Black. Classic superheroes Superman (voiced by Jerry O'Connell) and Wonder Woman (Rosario Dawson) also join the fight.
Cast: | Camilla Luddington, Rosario Dawson, Jerry O'Connell, Alfred Molina, Jason O'Mara, Matt Ryan, Nicholas Turturro, Ray Chase |
Director: | Jay Oliva |
Studio: | Warner Bros. Animation |
Producer(s): | Benjamin Melniker, Sam Register |
Writer(s): | Ernie Altbacker, J.M. DeMatteis, Arnold Drake, Carmine Infantino, Jack Kirby, Alan Moore, Len Wein, Bernie Wrightson |
Official Site: | |