Peter, a documentary filmmaker, lives frugally in an attic apartment in Paris with his wife Manon, who writes and edits his films. She also has a job as a school cafeteria supervisor to make ends meet. During preparation of a documentary on Henry, a former member of the Resistance, Peter runs into Elizabeth, a history student. They quickly become lovers. But when she finds out Pierre won’t leave Manon, Elizabeth tells him she’s seen his wife twice in the company of another man.
The filmmaker confronts his wife, who promises to dump her lover right away. But the wound between them is too raw, especially when Manon realizes that Peter also cheated. They meet again a year later, at Henry’s funeral.
Cast: | Clotilde Courau, Stanislas Merhar, Lena Paugam, Vimala Pons, Antoinette Moya, Jean Pommier |
Director: | Philippe Garrel |
Studio: | FunFilm |
Producer(s): | Saïd Ben Saïd, Michel Merkt |
Writer(s): | Jean-Claude Carrière, Caroline Deruas, Philippe Garrel, Arlette Langmann |