Set against the stunning vistas of the Alberta Rocky Mountains, Heartland is a family drama that follows sisters Amy (Amber Marshall) and Lou Fleming (Michelle Morgan) and their grandfather, Jack (Shaun Johnston), through the highs and lows of life on a horse ranch.
Loosely based on the book series by Lauren Brooke, the show gives depth to characters such as Ty (Graham Wardle), a delinquent who Amy's mother agreed to have come work for them. He shows up in the first episode, Coming Home, right after the car accident that takes Mrs. Fleming's life. Jack, though initially reluctant, decides to give the young man a chance and keeps him on as a ranch hand. Meanwhile, Amy struggles to come to terms with her mother's death and her older sister Lou comes home to the ranch to help Jack and Amy get things in order.
Contains all 13 episodes from season 1.
Cast: | Amber Marshall, Graham Wardle, Shaun Johnston, Michelle Morgan, Jessica Amlee, Chris Potter |
Studio: | Koch Vision |