Set against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains, the series follows teenage horse whisperer Amy (Amber Marshall) and her sister Lou (Michelle Morgan) through the highs and lows of a family-owned horse ranch called Heartland.
In the fifth season, Amy learns about Liberty work with horses and auditions to be part of a Liberty horse show that tours the world. Ty (Graham Wardle) decides he needs to be more independent and moves out of the loft and into Caleb's vacant trailer. Caleb returns from his honeymoon without Ashley, while Lou discovers the ups and downs of being a working mom. Mallory (Jessica Amlee) is not happy that her parents are moving the family to Nashville and tries to find a way to stay in Hudson. Lou and Amy's dad, Tim (Chris Potter) has problems of his own when he's denied access to his newly discovered 12-year-old son. He hires a lawyer to try to get full custody but at the same time, begins drinking again. Finally, Ty decides he can't live without Amy. Is it time for him to pop the question?
Cast: | Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Johnston, Chris Potter, Graham Wardle, Jessica Amlee, Nathaniel Arcand, Kerry James, Greta Onieogou, Gabriel Hogan, Jessica Steen |
Studio: | Entertainment One |
Producer(s): | Tina Grewal |