Set against the stunning vistas of the Alberta Rocky Mountains, Heartland is a family drama that follows sisters Amy (Amber Marshall) and Lou Fleming (Michelle Morgan) and their grandfather, Jack (Shaun Johnston), through the highs and lows of life on a horse ranch.
Loosely based on the book series by Lauren Brooke, the show gives depth to characters such as Ty (Graham Wardle), a delinquent who works as a ranch hand at Heartland. Amy struggles to heal damaged horses, while her sister struggles to run the ranch and adjust to country life again, and the two girls try to forgive their father (Chris Potter), who left their mother when they were small.
The two discs in this set include the following first season episodes: Out of the Darkness, Ghost from the Past, Born to Run, Thicker Than Water, Nothing Endures and Coming Together. Special features include a behind-the-scenes look at filming, including interviews with the cast and crew.
Cast: | Amber Marshall, Graham Wardle, Shaun Johnston, Michelle Morgan, Chris Potter, Jessica Amlee |
Studio: | Koch Vision |