HAWA is a genre-defying cinematic tale of love, libido, revenge and human survival in the pristine water of Bay of Bengal. The film depicts the journey of an all-men team on a seafaring boat, eventually where the mystery of life and relationships gets re-interpreted. The usual fishing mission of a group of seasoned boatmen of Cox's Bazar finds an unheard of catch in the deep of the sea. The 'catch' - a beautiful but rebellious young girl. She turns out to be the driver of the boat, and eventually, everything turns upside down. Why is the fishermen's rhythm of boat life devastated by sudden arrival of this little creature? Is the destruction only for vengeance, or something else?
Chanchal Chowdhury, Nazifa Tushi, Sariful Razz, Nasir Khan, Shohel Mondol, Sumon Anowar, Bablu Bose, Rizvi Rizu, Arafatur Rahman |
Mejbaur Sumon |
Producer(s): |
Anjan Pintu |
Writer(s): |
Mejbaur Sumon, Faruque Amin, Sukorno Dhiman |