Growing Op is a poignant comedy about a teenage boy coming of age in a suburban grow-operation, where every day is paradise or fresh hell. But it's always a trip. Sheltered all his life and home-schooled by loving parents who are also committed criminals, Quinn Dawson yearns to experience the normalcy of the suburban world which surrounds him. But as Quinn pulls away from his parents and their modest utopia, he discovers that the real jungle is not in his living room, but in the twisted values of the suburban status quo.
Cast: | Steven Yaffee, Rachel Blanchard, Wallace Langham, Rosanna Arquette, Katie Boland, Jon Cor, Hugh Thompson, Daniel MacIvor, Alberta Watson |
Director: | Michael Melski |
Studio: | Mongrel Media |
Producer(s): | Monique LeBlanc, Doug Pettigrew, Rick Warden |
Writer(s): | Michael Melski |