"Gadar 2" begins in 1971, amidst the backdrop of the Bangladesh / East Pakistan partition. The story is about Tara Singh played by Sunny Deol, a father, and his son, Jeetey played by Utkarsh Sharma, who goes to Pakistan to rescue his father only to discover later that Tara never reached Pakistan and gets trapped in a conspiracy himself. Thus begins the real rescue mission where Tara Singh revisits Pakistan, this time for his son. Full of power and breath-taking action, Gadar 2 promises to embody the spirit of the first part and present a brand-new story of hope, love, patriotism & sacrifice.
Cast: | Mir Sarwar, Ameesha Patel, Sunny Deol |
Director: | Anil Sharma |
Studio: | Zee Studios International |
Writer(s): | Shaktimaan Talwar |