In this action-comedy, Jenifa finds her world turned upside down when a new neighbor arrives, winning over the community with his seemingly charitable deeds. As she strives to maintain her authenticity and the trust of those around her, she is drawn into a web of rivalry, unexpected betrayals, and a drug-related controversy that threatens to upend her life. With her signature wit and resilience, Jenifa must navigate the chaos while staying true to who she is.
Cast: | Funke Akindele, Stan Nze, Omowunmi Dada, Nancy Isime, Falz , Olayode Juliana |
Director: | Funke Akindele, Tunde Olaoye |
Producer(s): | Wendy Uwadiae Imasuen, Olayemi Oshodi |
Writer(s): | Céline Devaux |