Early Winter Movie Poster

Early Winter

Early Winter

David (Paul Doucet), a Quebec man in his forties, lives a comfortable life with his Russian wife Maya (Suzanne Clément) and their two children. This is a second marriage for David, a recovering alcoholic, and he works long hours as a janitor in a retirement home and takes on odd jobs fixing things.

David makes every attempt to satisfy Mandy with the latest technological gadgets, but he senses her distance, and when he begins to suspect she is having an affair he loses his footing. The couple's relationship, and the family bond they share with their children, threatens to unravel.

Cast: Suzanne Clément, Paul Doucet
Director: Michael Rowe
Producer(s): Serge Noël, Trish Lake
Writer(s): Michael Rowe
Official Site: earlywinterfilm.com