After his father faces financial struggles, twelve-year-old Max is forced to shut down the pawn shop he operates from his garage and move to a small country town. When Max discovers the world of small-scale farming, the young entrepreneur rallies the help of his cousin Charles, along with local youtuber Alice, to start an egg farming business in Charles's old decaying barn. The animal-friendly Coco Farm quickly becomes a major hit, but the three partners soon find themselves facing the harsh realities of an industry controlled by mega-d agribusinesses.
In French with English subtitles.
Cast: | Oscar Desgagnés, Joey Bélanger, Benoît Brière, Emma Bao Linh Tourné, Simon Lacroix, Steve Laplante, Mia Garnier, Louis-Phillippe Dandenault |
Director: | Sébastien Gagné |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Dominic James, Antonello Cozzolino, Brigitte Léveillé |
Writer(s): | Dominic James, Jacques Desjardins |