This teen drama tells the story of best friends Dominic (Callan McAuliffe) and Casper (Emory Cohen) who dream of leaving the small Maine town and moving to the big city. Earning money is the only way the two can achieve their dream but the paths they each choose vary. Dominic works on the potato farm whereas Casper joins his dad Clayton(Aidan Gillen) in a drug scheme.
Cast: | Emory Cohen, Callan McAuliffe, Aidan Gillen, Timm Sharp, Sarah Sutherland, Zoe Levin, W. Earl Brown, David Denman, Carrie Preston, Carla Gallo, Delaney Williams, Josh Mostel, Timothy Simons, Joe Cobden |
Director: | Aaron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly |
Producer(s): | Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly, Kavita Pullapilly |
Writer(s): | Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly |