This French film by André Téchiné follows Damien (Kacey Mottet Klein) and Thomas (Corentin Fila), two teenagers from very different upbringings who go to the same high school but can't stand each other. They bicker and are physically violent with each other.
Thomas, a loner, is adopted when his mother falls ill. When circumstances lead Damien's mother Marianne (Sandrine Kiberlain), who's a doctor, to invite Thomas to live with them, the young men are forced to coexist and work through their emerging attraction and complicated desires.
Cast: | Sandrine Kiberlain, Kacey Mottet Klein, Corentin Fila |
Director: | André Téchiné |
Studio: | Fidélité Films |
Producer(s): | Olivier Delbosc, Marc Missonnier |
Writer(s): | Céline Sciamma, André Téchiné |