Betty (Carina Caputo), a strange yet striking woman with a mysterious past, arrives in a small Quebec town on vacation. Bored, she wanders around lackadaisically and strikes up a friendship with lonely 14-year-old Lea (Charlotte Legault), a young girl who works part-time at the hotel where Betty is staying.
Gradually, Betty introduces Lea to the pleasures of overindulgence, dragging her to parties with slightly older, more experienced kids where booze and other assorted intoxicants are readily available. As the two girls grow closer, we begin to question whether this isn't too much too soon for Lea.
Cast: | Carina Caputo, Charlotte Legault, Patrice Dubois, Éliane Gagnon |
Director: | Rafaël Ouellet |
Studio: | Seville Pictures |
Producer(s): | Stéphanie Morissette |
Writer(s): | Rafaël Ouellet |