BEEF follows the aftermath of a road rage incident between two strangers. Danny Cho (Steven Yeun), a failing contractor with a chip on his shoulder, goes head-to-head with Amy Lau (Ali Wong), a self-made entrepreneur with a picturesque life. The increasing stakes of their feud unravel their lives and relationships in this darkly comedic and deeply moving series.
Cast: | Steven Yeun, Ali Wong, Joseph Lee, Young Mazino, David Choe, Patti Yasutake, Ashley Park, Mia Serafino, Bernard White, Maria Bello, Remy Holt |
Director: | Jake Schreier, Hikari , Lee Sung Jin |
Studio: | Netflix |
Producer(s): | Jake Schreier, Jes Anderson, Savey Cathey, Alexander H. Gayner, Matthew Medlin, Inman Young |
Writer(s): | Lee Sung Jin, Alice Ju, Carrie Kemper, Alex Russell |
Official Site: | |