Frankie (Harris Dickinson), an aimless teenager living in Brooklyn, is struggling to escape his bleak home life and navigating questions of self-identity. His father is dying of cancer and his mother is too exhausted to pay much attention to her son. Although he's recently acquired a girlfriend, Frankie divides most of his time between hanging with his delinquent friends and chatting with older gay men he meets online.
As Frankie's competing desires begin to consume him, his decisions leave him hurtling towards life-changing consequences.
Cast: | Neal Huff, Madeline Weinstein, Kate Hodge, Nicole Flyus, Anton Selyaninov, Frank Hakaj, David Ivanov, Harrison Sheehan, Erik Potempa |
Studio: | Neon |
Producer(s): | Paul Mezey, Brad Becker-Parton |
Writer(s): | Eliza Hittman |