
The story revolves around the Thakur household, which is the most revered family in the entire village. For generations the villagers have been approaching the eldest Thakur for the most unbiased and fair judgement. The present judge and head of the family is Thakur Dharamraj (Rajnikant) who lives with his younger brothers Arjun (Anil Kapoor)and Nakul (Harish). Arjun and Nakul love and respect their elder brother so much that they are ready to lay down their lives at one command from him. A young teacher comes to village and she tries to woo Arjun but does not succeed. The scorned teacher accuses Arjun of rape and then commits suicide. The person to pass judgement in the case is none other than Dharamraj. Keeping all evidences in mind, Dharamraj exiles Arjun from the village for 18 years.

Cast: Rajnikant , Rekha , Anil Kapoor, Raveena Tandon, Paresh Rawal, Sadashiv Amrapurkar
Director: T. Ramarao
Producer(s): Yogesh Anand