In this legal drama from director Sydney Pollack, Sally Field stars as Megan, an ambitious newpaper reporter who, based on information from FBI investigator Rosen, played by Bob Balaban, writes a scathing article that implicates Gallagher, a reclusive business-owner played by Paul Newman, in the recent disappearance of a labor leader. When Gallagher confronts Megan and sets her straight, the two team together to prove his innocence and have a few romantic interludes along the way. Wilford Brimley and Melinda Dillon also star.
Cast: | Josef Sommer, Barry Primus, Paul Newman, Bob Balaban, Wilford Brimley, Sally Field, Melinda Dillon, Luther Adler, Don Hood |
Director: | Sydney Pollack |
Studio: | Columbia Pictures |
Producer(s): | Sydney Pollack |