This coming of age story is set in 1979, and follows a shy young Indian student named Shutu (Vikrant Massey), who has conflicting ideas of masculinity. He finds himself questioning what is accepted in society and his own place in the world. The callousness of the adults around him build up his intense feelings of isolation, and Shutu slowly and quietly falls to pieces during a family road trip.
Cast: | Vikrant Massey, Kalki Koechlin, Gulshan Devaiah, Tillotama Shome, Jim Sarbh, Tanuja Mukherjee, Om Puri, Arya Sharma |
Director: | Konkona Sensharma |
Studio: | MacGuffin Pictures |
Producer(s): | Honey Trehan, Abhishek Chaubey, Ashish Bhatnagar, Vijay Kumar R Swami, Raagii Bhatnagar |
Writer(s): | Konkona Sensharma |