Two years after the events that took place in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the highly intelligent Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his ape colony are engaged in a heated battle with power-hungry humans. After witnessing the loss of several apes, Caesar is enraged and vows to avenge his fallen primates.
Just when they finally have a way out, the evil colonel (Woody Harrelson) makes his final play to defeat the apes once and for all. If Caesar wants to avenge his fallen friends, he will have to deal with a merciless Colonel first. Whichever way the battle goes, the fate of apes and the future of planet Earth hang in the balance.
Cast: | Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson, Steve Zahn, Terry Notary, Judy Greer, Toby Kebbell, Levi Meaden |
Director: | Matt Reeves |
Studio: | 20th Century Fox |
Producer(s): | Peter Chernin, Dylan Clark, Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa |
Writer(s): | Mark Bomback |
Official Site: | |