Almost half a century ago, a remote village in the middle of a tropical rainforest starts witnessing a series of unexplainable events which they attribute to the supernatural. This coincides with the arrival of an eccentric police officer, Vikrant Rona. A mysterious game unfolds where everyone in the village is a potential victim and everyone is a suspect.
Cast: | Nirup Bhandari, Sudeep , Neetha Ashok, Ravishankar Gowda, Madhusudhan Rao, Siddu Moolimani, Karthik Kordale, Samhitha |
Director: | Anup Bhandari |
Studio: | Sarigama Cinemas |
Producer(s): | Jack Manju, Shalini Manjunath |
Writer(s): | Anup Bhandari |