Madea (Tyler Perry) finds herself in the middle of mayhem, spending Halloween fending off killers, poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls and zombies due to an unknown virus spreading around the world. Towns are looted and abandoned, while human civilization is in hysterics.
When the creatures appear at her front door, the Grandma Madea arms herself to take on the evil forces of the undead — and does this all while keeping a watchful eye on a group of disobedient and unruly teens.
Cast: | Tyler Perry, Cassi Davis, Patrice Lovely, Lexy Panterra, Yousef Erakat, Andre Hall, Brock O'Hurn, Bella Thorne |
Director: | Tyler Perry |
Studio: | Lionsgate |
Producer(s): | Tyler Perry, Ozzie Areu, Will Areu |
Writer(s): | Tyler Perry |
Official Site: | |