Set in St. Andrews, Scotland during the Victorian era, this period drama follows Tommy Morris (Jack Lowden), son of Tom Morris (Peter Mullan), better known as "Old Tom," a legendary greens-keeper for the Royal & Ancient golf club.
Despite his father's impressive legacy, Tommy is destined to outshine Old Tom as he becomes the "dashing young man of golf," securing himself as the youngest person to retire the Open's prize Championship Belt by winning it three times in a row.
Faced with Tommy's newfound success, father and son soon clash over social etiquette after Tommy marries a girl of lower class standing. This eventually leads Tom to make a grave error in judgment that changes his relationship with Tommy forever.
Cast: | Peter Mullan, Jack Lowden, Sam Neill, Ophelia Lovibond |
Director: | Jason Connery |
Studio: | Roadside Attractions |
Producer(s): | Ken Whitney, Keith Bank |
Writer(s): | Pamela Marin, Kevin Cook |
Official Site: | |