Starring the legendary Vanessa Redgrave, this drama revolves around Roseanne McNulty, whose younger self is played by Rooney Mara. Roseanne has spent most of her life in a mental institution in rural Ireland. She has been there longer than most of the staff that works at the institution, so no one seems to remember how she got there. One day, a new chief psychiatrist who has taken an interest in Roseanne, finds a hidden memoir she has been writing in over the course of decades. It unravels the mystery surrounding her passionate, yet tortured life.
Cast: | Rooney Mara, Vanessa Redgrave, Jack Reynor, Theo James, Eric Bana |
Director: | Jim Sheridan |
Studio: | Ferndale Films Limited |
Producer(s): | Noel Pearson, Jim Sheridan, Rob Quigley |
Writer(s): | Jim Sheridan, Johnny Ferguson |