In this moving documentary, Canadian screen icon Gordon Pinsent takes audiences on an emotional journey through his illustrious 70-year career. It is the real story behind Gordon's early years and the life he has shared with his wife Charm (Charmion King) — how they met, how they fell in love, and how she helped him reconcile his past.
Set partially along the gorgeous coastline of Gordon's homeland, Newfoundland, the film is also a figurative love letter to Victor Solnicki, director Brigitte Berman's husband, who passed away on the film's TIFF premiere in September 2016.
Cast: | Gordon Pinsent, Norman Jewison, Christopher Plummer, Mary Walsh |
Director: | Brigitte Berman |
Studio: | Bridge Productions |
Producer(s): | Brigitte Berman, Victor Solnicki, Daniel Pellerin |
Writer(s): | Brigitte Berman |