This animated feature is about Manolo (Diego Luna), a young man who can't decide whether he should fulfill his family's expectations or follow his heart. While fighting for the affection of the beautiful Maria (Zoe Saldana) with another man, Joaquin (Channing Tatum), two spirits, La Muerte and Xibalba, make a bet on the outcome. In order to guarantee he’ll win the bet, Xibalba sends a snake to kill Manolo, separating him from Maria.
Manolo, still desperate to be with the woman he loves, embarks on a journey through three fantastical worlds to reunite with Maria in the human world before she marries Joaquin. The film is full of breathtaking visuals and unforgettable characters on an adventure spanning every world imaginable.
Cast: | Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana, Channing Tatum, Christina Applegate, Ice Cube, Kate del Castillo, Hector Elizondo, Ron Perlman, Zoë Saldana, Ice Cube , Ricardo Sanchez |
Director: | Jorge R. Gutierrez |
Studio: | 20th Century Fox |
Producer(s): | Guillermo del Toro, Brad Booker, Aaron Berger, Carina Schulze |
Writer(s): | Jorge R. Gutierrez, Doug Langdale |
Official Site: | |