The story follows five high-spirited young friends - purple-spotted Uniqua, quick moving penguin Pablo, mellow moose Tyrone, hippo Tasha and kangaroo Austin - who embark on amazing adventures every day using their imaginations.
Relying on music to help kids develop their imaginations and creatively express themselves, viewers have the opportunity to sing and dance with the characters featured onscreen.
Cast: | LaShawn Jefferies, Sean Curley, Thomas Sharkey, Jake Goldberg, Jamia Simone Nash, Kristin Klabunde, Naelee Rae, Christopher Gran Jr., Gianna Bruzzese, Jonah Bobo |
Director: | Dave Palmer, Mike Shiell, Bill Giggie |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Jonny Belt, Robert Scull, Jennifer Hill, Janice Burgess |
Writer(s): | Janice Burgess |