This comedy series by Office Space creator Mike Judge focuses around a group of young programmer buddies who found a startup company.
Set in the high-tech gold rush of Silicon Valley, the band of would-be Zuckerbergs try to build a new music app with revolutionary compression software called Pied Piper.
The show stars Thomas Middleditch as Richard, an introverted programmer, who lives in a Hacker Hostel (a house for programmers who want to live there for free and develop things in exchange for 10 per cent of whatever company they build or sell) run by Erlich (T.J. Miller). Fellow housemates include Richard's best friend Big Head (Josh Brener)and programmers Dinesh(Kumail Nanjiani)and Gilfoyle (Martin Starr.)
The show is partially inspired by Mike Judge's own experiences as a Silicon Valley engineer in the late 1980s.
Cast: | Thomas Middleditch, Josh Brener, T.J. Miller, Zach Woods |
Director: | Mike Judge |
Studio: | Judgemental Films Inc. |
Writer(s): | Mike Judge, John Altschuler, Dave Krinsky |