Seven Seconds (Netflix)
When a black teenager named Brenton Butler is accidentally hit by a car driven by a off-duty white police officer named Pete Jablonski (Beau Knapp) and left to die, a New Jersey city explodes with racial tensions, an attempted cover up, and a highly publicized trial.
Jablonski, wracked with guilt, wants to report what happened, but his fellow police officers convince him that the public would not take kindly to a white cop killing a black kid, even if it was an accident.
Meanwhile, KJ Harper (Clare-Hope Ashitey), a black assistant prosecutor with a drinking problem, is assigned to the case. She works closely with Brenton’s mother Latrice (Regina King), who discovers there may be more to her son than she and her husband (Russell Hornsby) were aware of.
Clare-Hope Ashitey, Nadia Alexander, Raúl Castillo, Regina King, David Lyons, Beau Knapp, Zackary Momoh, Michael Mosley, Patrick Murney, Michelle Veintimilla |
Jon Amiel, Gavin O'Connor, Ernest R. Dickerson, Victoria Mahoney, Daniel Attias |
Studio: |
Netflix |
Producer(s): |
Jonathan Filley |
Writer(s): |
Evangeline Ordaz, Rhett Rossi, Francesca Sloane, J. David Shanks |
Official Site: | |