Return from Witch Mountain
Return from Witch Mountain
In the sequel to Disney's Escape to Witch Mountain, psychic siblings Tia (Kim Richards) and Tony (Ike Eisenmann) are brought back to planet Earth for a vacation with their Uncle Bene (Denver Pyle), only to find themselves in trouble.
It seems that arch-fiend Dr. Victor Gannon (Christopher Lee) and his Bette Davis-like accomplice, Letha (Bette Davis), are in the process of testing a mind-control device. They want to see if they can mentally save their cohort Sickle (Anthony James) from plunging to his death from atop a building. Tony spots Sickle's plunge and telekinetically saves him. When Dr. Gannon sees Tony's powers, he kidnaps him, hoping to utilize his otherworldly powers for his own nefarious purposes. Enlisting the aid of a collection of street kids (Christian Juttner, Brad Savage, Poindexter Yothers, Jeffrey Jacquet), Tia uses her powers of telepathy to contact her brother and tries to rescue him from Gannon's clutches.