Poolman tells the story of Darren Barrenman (Chris Pine), a native Los Angeleno who spends his days looking after the pool of the Tahitian Tiki apartment block and fighting to make his hometown a better place to live. When he is tasked by a femme fatale to uncover the truth behind a shady business deal, Darren enlists the help of his friends to take on a corrupt politician and a greedy land developer. His investigation reveals a hidden truth about his beloved city and himself.
Cast: | Chris Pine, Annette Bening, DeWanda Wise, Stephen Tobolowsky, Clancy Brown, John Ortiz, Ray Wise, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Danny DeVito |
Director: | Chris Pine |
Studio: | Vertical |
Producer(s): | Stacey Sher, Patty Jenkins, Chris Pine |
Writer(s): | Chris Pine, Ian Gotler |