The fourth installment of the bone-chilling series, Paranormal Activity 4 begins in October 2006 in Carlsbad, California as a family deals with being terrorized by a supernatural presence in their home. This time around Katie and Hunter are nowhere to be found.
Fast forward to November 2011 in Henderson, Nevada. A suburban family takes in a little boy named Robbie who lives across the street when something strange happens in his house. Shortly after, frightening things begin to happen.
A chandelier inexplicably crashes to the floor in the middle of the night. Robby gets out of his bed when everyone is asleep and seems to be talking to someone, but when asked who, he denies it. Teenagers Alice and Alex try to investigate, especially when a strange symbol shows up, but their parents refuse to believe that there's a presence in the house.
Cast: | Katie Featherston, Kathryn Newton, Matt Shively, Brady Allen, Aiden Lovekamp, Sara Mornell |
Director: | Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman |
Studio: | Paramount Pictures |
Producer(s): | Jason Blum, Oren Peli, Steven Schneider |
Writer(s): | Oren Peli |
Official Site: | |