A teenager named Joan (Gemma Arterton) from the French countryside decides to spring to action when England invades France. After having visions of Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine of Alexandria, who instruct her to support Charles VII during the Hundred Years' War, she goes to him to offer her support.
When the siege of Orléans is lifted just days after Joan's arrival, she gains prominence. Several additional swift victories follow, which leads to Charles VII's coronation. A screen adaptation of Bernard Shaw's classic play, this drama is based on the life and trial of Joan of Arc.
In select theaters February 16, 2017 (Live) and March 12, 2017 (Encore).
Cast: | Gemma Arterton |
Director: | Josie Rourke |
Studio: | National Theatre Live |
Writer(s): | Bernard Shaw |