Lost Transmissions follows Theo Ross (Simon Pegg), a respected Los Angeles music producer. His friend, Hannah (Juno Temple), a shy, aspiring songwriter, discovers that he has lapsed on his medication for schizophrenia.
In an effort to get Theo the help he needs, Hannah and their group of friends chase him as he outruns his colorful delusions through the glamour and grit of Los Angeles' music scene.
Based on a true story.
Cast: | Simon Pegg, Juno Temple, Jamie Harris, Rebecca Hazlewood, Bria Vinaite, Alexandra Daddario |
Director: | Katharine O'Brien |
Studio: | Gravitas Ventures |
Producer(s): | Tory Lenosky, Al Di, Olga Kagan, Filip Jan Rymsza |
Writer(s): | Katharine O'Brien |