This six-part miniseries follows twin brothers Dominick and Thomas Birdsey (both played by Mark Ruffalo), who are polar opposites. Thomas is a schizophrenic who has been in and out of institutions, while Dominick is his brother's caregiver and carries the burden of his brother’s illness. The series is an adaptation of Wally Lamb's 1998 best-selling novel of the same name.
Cast: | Mark Ruffalo, Melissa Leo, Rosie O'Donnell, Archie Panjabi, Imogen Poots, Juliette Lewis, Kathryn Hahn, John Procaccino, Rob Huebel, Michael Greyeyes, Aisling Franciosi, Philip Ettinger |
Director: | Derek Cianfrance |
Studio: | HBO |
Producer(s): | Jeffrey T. Bernstein |
Writer(s): | Derek Cianfrance, Wally Lamb, Anya Epstein |
Official Site: | |