Billy (Luke Benward), an 11-year-old fifth grader, inadvertently challenges the town bully on his first day at a new school. To save face and earn the respect of his new classmates, Billy agrees to a bet that will determine his fate at the schoolwhether or not he can eat 10 worms in one day.
As the pressure mounts, he must summon heroic strength to keep his younger brother from blabbing, his weak stomach from betraying him, and his big mouth from getting him into more trouble than he's already in.
Based on the children’s novel by Thomas Rockwell.
Cast: | Luke Benward, Tom Cavanagh, Hallie Kate Eisenberg, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Adam Hicks, Austin Rogers, Blake Garrett, Andrew Gillingham, Alexander Agate, Ty Panitz, Ryan Malgarini, Philip Daniel Bolden, Alexander Gould |
Director: | Bob Dolman |
Studio: | New Line Cinema |
Producer(s): | Mark Johnson, Philip Steuer |
Writer(s): | Bob Dolman |
Official Site: | |