One night, in the port of a Japanese coastal town, three security agents discover the mutilated corpse of a young woman hidden in a container filled with hair intended for the hair extension market. Transported to the mortuary for autopsy, the body is tended that evening even by Yamazaki, an employee.
Noting that the corpse continues to produce a frightening quantity of hair, Yamazaki transforms the hair into extensions to sell them to hairdressing salons. However, anyone who touches the extensions dies in an atrocious manner. It's just a matter of time until the hair gets to the beautiful Yuko, an apprentice hairdresser.
Cast: | Ren Osugi, Chiaki Kuriyama, Tsugumi , Megumi Sato, Eri Machimoto, Miku Sato |
Director: | Sion Sono |
Studio: | Toei Picture Company Productions |
Producer(s): | Makoto Okada |
Writer(s): | Sion Sono, Masaki Adachi, Makoto Sanada |