A world-renowned scientist, and a dedicated family man struggling to accept his daughter's death, Charles Darwin (Paul Bettany) is torn between his love for his deeply religious wife and his own growing belief in a world where God has no place. He finds himself caught in a battle between faith and reason, love and truth.
This is the extraordinary story of Charles Darwin and how his master-work "The Origin of Species" came to light. It tells of a global revolution played out in the confines of a small English village; a passionate marriage torn apart by the most provocative idea in historyevolution; and a theory saved from extinction by the logic of a child.
Cast: | Paul Bettany, Jennifer Connelly, Jeremy Northam, Toby Jones, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martha West |
Director: | Jon Amiel |
Studio: | Icon Film Distribution |
Producer(s): | Jeremy Thomas |
Writer(s): | John Collee |
Official Site: | www.creationmovie.ca |