In this 12-part animated Netflix series, BoJack Horseman (Will Arnett) is the former star of a hit 1990s television show called Horsin' Around. Featured on the cover of publications such as TV Guru and Person magazine, BoJack was living the good life. Twenty years later, he's all washed up. He lives in a Hollywood bachelor pad, drinks too much whisky, whines non-stop about everything, and is basically filled with self-loathing.
Leaving behind a number of failed relationships, this foul-mouthed horse who peaked too early wants a second chance at a career. Along with his human sidekick Todd (Aaron Paul) and his feline agent and ex-paramour Princess Caroline (Amy Sedaris), BoJack is eager and ready for a comeback.
Cast: | Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie, Aaron Paul, Paul F. Tompkins |
Studio: | |
Official Site: | |