Set in a high-tech future marked by urban and social decay, Detective Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a blade runner, is assigned to hunt down and destroy a group of vengeful, fugitive replicants who have hijacked a ship in space and returned to Earth in search of their maker. Meanwhile, he finds himself drawn to a mysterious woman (Sean Young) whose secrets may undermine his own soul.
The new, four-disc 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition includes a Blu-ray, DVD and UltraViolet Digital Copy and offers five versions of the film (the workprint version, the 1982 domestic and international theatrical cuts, the 1993 director's cut, and the 2007 Final Cut. The Blu-ray copy also features extensive bonus features such as a photo gallery of new images, a feature-length documentary and several behind-the-scenes featurettes.
The new edition also comes packaged in a collectible 72-page digibook with sketches, poster art and photos from the set alongside a concept spinner car and action Lenticular hologram.
Cast: | Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh, Daryl Hannah, Will Sanderson, Joanna Cassidy |
Director: | Ridley Scott |
Studio: | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Producer(s): | Michael Deeley, Charles de Lauzirika |
Writer(s): | Hampton Fancher, David Peoples |