In the epic third installment of the Batman Unlimited animated series, mad scientist Mr. Freeze uses his latest invention to turn the world's most dangerous criminals — Bane and Killer Croc — into super-sized mutant monsters, unleashing ice-cold terror and chaos on Gotham.
Now Batman, Green Arrow and their team of brave superheroes must use giant robot mechs in order to face-off with these colossal crooks and stop the destruction of their city.
Cast: | Roger Craig Smith, Chris Diamantopoulos, Will Friedle, Charlie Schlatter, Lucien Dodge, Oded Fehr, Dana Snyder, Carlos Alazraqui, John DiMaggio |
Director: | Butch Lukic |
Studio: | Warner Home Video |
Producer(s): | Butch Lukic |
Writer(s): | Heath Corson |