Amreeka chronicles the adventures of Muna (Nisreen Faour), a single mother who leaves the West Bank with Fadi (Melkar Muallem), her teenage son, with dreams of an exciting future in the promised land of small town Illinois. In America, as her son navigates high school hallways the way he used to move through military checkpoints, the indomitable Muna scrambles together a new life by cooking up falafel burgers as well as hamburgers at the local White Castle.
Cast: | Nisreen Faour, Melkar Muallem, Hiam Abbass, Alia Shawkat, Yussef Abu Warda, Joseph Ziegler, Amer Hlelhel, Selena Haddad, Jenna Kawar |
Director: | Cherien Dabis |
Studio: | National Geographic |
Producer(s): | Paul Barkin, Christina Piovesan |
Writer(s): | Cherien Dabis |
Official Site: | |