The third season of Ryan Murphy’s anthology series centers on a school for witches in New Orleans led by Headmistress Cordelia Foxx (Sarah Paulson). Newcomer Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga) joins the ranks of fellow witches Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts), Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe) and Nan (Jamie Brewer), once she unexpectedly discovers she has special deadly powers.
The girls compete to become the next Supreme while fighting for their lives as witches begin being hunted down by an ancient group of witch hunters. Back in town is Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange), the reigning Supreme, to help watch over the girls. However, she is more determined to protect her spot as Supreme from them, at whatever the cost.
Cast: | Emma Roberts, Sarah Paulson, Taissa Farmiga, Evan Peters, Kathy Bates, Jessica Lange, Gabourey Sidibe, Angela Bassett |
Studio: |