236 Front Street, Beaver Dam, WI, 53916
Based on 3 reviews.
Clean up this iconic facility!
May 18, 2023
There needs to be better housekeeping in this building. The bathroom floors are always sticky. The carpets, especially on stairways, do not appear to have been vacuumed in a very long time. And who puts round toilet seat covers on oblong toilets! This building has gone downhill since the addition of the mega screens. It's a shame. No wonder patrons go elsewhere.
February 20, 2020
The theater is clean, warm & good sound volume. Do not waste money seeing, Downhill!! It is very boring. A movie about a wife, husband & two teenage sons on a ski holiday. The entire movie is merely conversations of this family with people they meet at the ski resort. Very disappointed that Julia Louise-Dreyfus & Will Ferrell would star in such a poor movie. It is billed as a comedy-drama. Was NOT funny.
Prices for concessions rather high, but guess they are all over.
April 10, 2019
My main comment is that we would like to see more conservative movies. ie, "Unplanned" . I went through the list for this week, none of them are things we would be interested in seeing.horror or cartoon movies. Thanks for your consideration.